We offer an extensive array of services to meet all of your obstetric or gynecological needs. Our highly trained sonographers have been performing ultrasounds for a number of years in Columbia, MO: Linda Buchheit, Kalli Francis, Heather Hamann-Parmer, Beverly Peterson, Kristi Shelton, and Erika Long.
Abdominal ultrasounds to evaluate masses
Vaginal scan to evaluate for fibroids, polyps, ovarian cysts, etc
3D and 4D ultrasounds
Doppler Studies
Growth and Fluid
Morphology Scan
Non-stress test and Biophysical Profile
Nuchal Translucency Scan
Prenatal Portraits
Gender Scan
Every pregnant woman receives a morphology ultrasound at 20-22 weeks to look for fetal anomalies or abnormal fetal parts.
At 20-22 weeks gestation there are usually good views of the limbs as well as the internal organs. The morphology ultrasound is sometimes called an “anomaly scan” because fetal abnormalities are looked for at this time.
Ultrasound uses sound waves, not ionizing radiation like x-rays. There have been many long term studies which have shown no adverse effect from an examination before birth. Follow-up has shown normal growth and development, normal eyesight and hearing, and a normal range of school performance.
After the morphology ultrasound, you can discuss any abnormal findings with your doctor. He/She will likely refer you to a specialist for a more extensive ultrasound.
Taking pictures during a scan is not permitted (this includes video, tablet and phone cameras). We encourage you to schedule a prenatal portrait session for special pictures of your baby. If children accompany you to the exam, they must be supervised by an adult who is not the patient while they are in our Ultrasound Center.
We offer a Down Syndrome test in the first trimester of pregnancy. The Nuchal Translucency test, or NT Scan, has two parts: A blood test from the pregnant mother’s arm and an ultrasound.
Neither parts of the Nuchal Translucency test have any risk to the baby. By combining the results of the two parts of the test, it is possible to identify if a pregnant woman is at increased risk of having a baby with Down Syndrome. By itself, the Nuchal Translucency test does not tell you whether or not the baby
has Down Syndrome. The NT scan is not a Down Syndrome test. It identifies women who should be tested to determine if their baby has the condition.
The blood test, also known as the Maternal Serum Screening Test, measures the amount of two different proteins called PAPP-A and beta HCG. These proteins occur naturally in the mother’s blood during pregnancy. A change in the level of these proteins may indicate that there is an increased risk that the baby has Down Syndrome.
The ultrasound will be done by a specially trained sonographer between 12 and 13 weeks of pregnancy. It is usually performed through the abdominal wall but sometimes it is necessary to do an internal (vaginal) scan. The ultrasound has no known harmful effects on the mother or the baby. The ultrasound allows measurement of the amount of fluid in the skin at the back of the baby’s neck. This measurement is called a nuchal translucency.
Our keepsake ultrasounds are a 3D/4D ultrasound experience for pregnant women — a combination of 3D ultrasounds that are still photos and 4D ultrasounds that show your baby’s movement, with the additional dimension of time. This is a non-medical scan that is intended to enhance your bond with your baby. Brothers, sisters and grandparents may also enjoy being able to share in this special bonding experience.
What you get:
Most of the time, you will get beautiful 3D and 4D ultrasound pictures of your baby. Sometimes the baby’s position, the gestational age, the amount of fluid, and the amount of maternal tissue may affect the quality of your pictures.
Our Prenatal Portrait Scan costs $150. Twins are an additional $50. Insurance does not cover this non-diagnostic ultrasound. We accept cash, Discover, Visa or MasterCard. Payment is due the day of your appointment.
Be sure and drink plenty of water in the days prior to your scan. You don’t need a full bladder for your scan. Eat a meal right before your scan to make sure the baby is awake. We don’t recommend scheduling your fetal portrait and your glucose test on the same day.
We encourage you to include family and friends in this special event. You may bring up to 3 guests to your session.
It is usually best to have your sitting between 26 and 30 weeks.
Once you have had your diagnostic ultrasound to screen for any anomalies, our front desk staff will be happy to set up your appointment for your keepsake ultrasound in our Ultrasound Center. You can contact us at 573-443-8796.
Should you have further questions about the NT Scan, please contact your physician.
During your pregnancy, you can have a 16-week ultrasound to determine the gender of your baby. 16 weeks is the earliest that a gender ultrasound can be provided, however, you can request for one at any point after that time.
This $70 package is a great option for the expectant mother wishing to determine the sex of their baby early and to visualize fetal movement. Insurance does not cover this scan, as it is a non-diagnostic gender 2D ultrasound. Each 10-15 minute session includes a DVD and 4 black and white thermal prints.
Together Women’s Health is here for all of your female health needs. Please note that services may vary across practices and locations.
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